Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Crisis in Japan

Hey guys,it's me ,Alexis.Today,I have some breaking news to share...About 1-2 weeks ago a catastrophe happened in Japan.As usual citizens were at work,school,or home.However, this wasn't going to be an ordinary day...A terrifying earth quake occured.The people had no notice of this incident.It was devastating for all.Noone had time to try to prepare!!!After the horrifying surprise ,another came.With still the task of cleaning up, later on, came another notice that noone expected...A TSUNAMI.The people did get a warning ,but it was already too late...The tsunami came too quick for the people to get to safety.It destroyed:homes,seperated families and killed thousands.To help those in Japan look below & make a donation!!!

Resources related to the 2011 Japan Crisis

On March 11 at 2:46pm JST a massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake occurred near the northeastern coast of Japan, creating extremely destructive tsunami waves which hit Japan just minutes after the earthquake, and triggering evacuations and warnings across the Pacific Ocean. The earthquake and tsunami have caused extensive and severe damage in Northeastern Japan, leaving thousands of people confirmed dead, injured or missing, and millions more affected by lack of electricity, water and transportation.
This page is being updated continuously to provide the latest information about this crisis, resources for those affected, and ways to contribute to relief efforts in Japan.

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