Tuesday, March 1, 2011

OH NO the Death of the "sidekick" and the Company who made it so famous

So a while back, some time around Aug 2009 Danger, the OS provider for Sidekick had a lot of huh ohhsss, causing a real panic for people who owned a sidekick device... This lead to the decline of a once great phone that gave you apps, great keyboard and media device all in one.  But with the introduction of Android (droid is the name of the devices from Verizon) Operating System, we get a a whole new breed of smart phones with side kick like features...

Oh, come on, you saw this coming: Kin represented what was supposed to be Danger's rebirth under Microsoft's half-billion-dollar umbrella -- and when that failed, there wasn't really a future for these guys in the cards. We've received a statement today from T-Mobile breaking the news that Danger's cloud services will be decommissioned after May 31st, and the problem with Sidekicks is that they're more or less paperweights without a connection to Danger's servers... so if you're still using one, you're definitely going to need a new phone. For T-Mobile's part, they're saying that they'll "provide offers... to help make an easy transition" from old phone to new, and they'll be sharing those offers in the coming weeks. If anything, we wouldn't be surprised if the carrier was simply waiting for its all-new, Samsung-made, Android-powered Sidekick to be ready in the hopes that they'll be able to keep folks in the Sidekick fold even though Danger's gone. They're also providing web-based tools and Sidekick apps to get data off the devices, so you can't say they're not doing all the right things in light of the situation. Smart of Microsoft to make sure the statement comes from T-Mobile, too, since it means the carrier can get out ahead of the panic before it starts. See the full statement after the break.

One of the biggest down falls of the sidekick disappearing is the use of the tech that has made it so easy for deaf people to communicate and socialize... Whats a head well a lot of stuff is coming down the pike...
you can check in at http://www.tmonews.com/or engadget.com  for some of the latest news.

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